
Console applicaton to display information about currently active client connections for a Squid proxy in a convenient way.

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Console applicaton to display information about currently active client connections for a Squid proxy in a convenient way.



sqtop uses GNU autotools to automatically configure software source code.

By default:

  • sqtop builds with user interface. This adds dependency on posix threads and ncurses. You can use –disable-ui to build sqtop without user interface (as well as without this dependencies).
  • sqtop builds with resolver. This adds dependency on posix threads. You can use –without-resolver to build sqtop without resolver (as well as without this dependency).
  • installation prefix is `/usr/local/bin’. You can use standard autotools variables to change this.
   $ ./configure
   $ ./configure --disable-ui --program-prefix=/opt/local

Note: to build with gcc-2.9x, you should export CXXFLAGS=-D_GNU_SOURCE before ./configure

Mac OS X

Snow Leopard 10.6.3 are know to have broken ncurses library - functional keys are not working (bug id #7812932). To use sqtop under 10.6.3 you can:

  • copy /usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib and /usr/lib/libncurses.5.dylib from a 10.6.2 system to a 10.6.3 system. Do not forget to update dyld cache:
       $ sudo update_dyld_shared_cache
  • build sqtop agains ncurses from macports. Of couse you should have install ncurses from macports first
       $ export LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib; ./configure

Debug version

To obtain version of sqtop with debugging symbols, do:

   $ export CXXFLAGS="-g -O0"; ./configure

Note: make install installs stripped version of binary, so if you want to use binary with debugging symbols use one in src subdir, or install it manualy with cp(1).


As trivial as

   $ make
   $ sudo make install

It installs two files:

  • sqtop binary
  • man page


If sqtop was built with user interface you can make following aliases for command to just print statistics once (without entering UI mode) like old good squidstat.


 $ echo 'alias squidstat="sqtop -o"' >> ~/.bashrc

For tcsh:

 $ echo 'alias squidstat "sqtop -o"' >> ~/.cshrc


From directory where sqtop was built:

   $ sudo make uninstall

How-to install sqtop from binaries


Download appropriate deb package and install it with dpkg.


 # cd /usr/ports/net/sqtop/ && make install


$ brew install sqtop


sqtop itself does not require any configuration. All configuration parameters can be passed while invoking sqtop, for details see Usage

Squid server configuration

Edit your squid.conf to allow cachemgr protocol:

acl manager proto cache_object
# replace x.x.x.x with admin ip address
acl admin src x.x.x.x/
http_access allow manager admin
http_access deny manager

Note: if you use any type of authentification (ntlm, basic, etc) above mentioned lines sould be written before any http_access with authentification.

Command line arguments

     --host host (-h host)
             Squid proxy host. Defaults to

     --port port (-p port)
             Squid proxy port. Defaults to 3128.

     --pass password (-P password)
             Squid proxy cachemgr_passwd.

     --hosts hostlist (-H hostlist)
             Comma-separated list of client IP addresses (CIDR notation is supported) to query the Squid proxy for. Hostnames are
             silently ignored.

     --users userlist (-u userlist)
             Comma-separated list of Squid usernames to list active connections for.

     --brief (-b)
             Display brief per-connection information, omits URLs.

     --detail (-d)
             Display detailed information (size, username and average speed) for each URL in each connection.

     --full (-f)
             Display full details (size, username, average speed, delay pool and elapsed time) for each URL in each connection.

     --zero (-z)
             Display zero values instead of silently omitting them.

     --once (-o)
             Disable interactive mode, just print statistics once to stdout.

     --refreshinterval seconds (-r seconds)
             Set the refresh-interval for interactive mode.

             Do not compact the display of multiple occurrences of the same URL in a single connection.

             Do not strip domain part of username.

             Do not do hostname lookups.

             Do not strip domain part of hostname.

     --help  Display a brief help text.

Note: without options, sqtop tries to connect to a Squid proxy listening at using port 3128.


Interactive mode

If built with support for ncurses(3), sqtop defaults to running in interactive mode, occupying the whole screen, unless the –once option was specified on the command line.

Information about the Squid server currently connected to, the version of sqtop used, as well as eventual error messages are shown at the top of the display.

The bottom of the display keeps various aggregates, including current and average speed, the total number of IPs connected and the total number of connections.

Any option given on the command line can be changed from within interactive mode by pressing the key corresponding to its respective short option character.

In addition to the options given on the command line, sqtop recognizes the following keys when in interactive mode:

/           Search for literal substrings in IPs, usernames or URLs.  Regular expressions are not parsed, currently.

SPACE       Stop refreshing.

              Scroll display.

ENTER       Toggle displayed level of detail for the currently selected entry.

?           Display the help screen, including current settings for options, where applicable.

C           Compact long urls to fit them on one line.

s           Toggle mode of display for speed detail between current and average, current only and average only.

o           Toggle connection sort order between size, current speed, average speed and max time.

R           Toggle hosts showing mode between host name only, host ip only, both ip and host name.

q           Quit sqtop


List all currently active connections in interacive mode from and to a Squid proxy running at mysquid.example.com, port 8080 using ZePasswd as cachemgr_passwd:

 $ sqtop -h mysquid.example.com -port 8080 -p ZePasswd -H,


The sqtop utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.